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Cindy Fuller
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In article >,
Tara & Guy > wrote:

> Meditteranean Cooking?
> Hubby switched to the Mediteranean diet recently. I am not good at figuring
> out menus for it, help. It's high on fresh veggies, low on
> meat/poultry/fish and spices. Nothing fried, uses whole wheat, brown rice.
> All in all, the opposite of my cooking.
> Thanks Tara
> PS switch com to net or post
> PPS It's more for digestive health than anything else. He's allergic to
> chicken and garlic, but I can always sub stuff.

One cookbook you might look for is called "The Omega Diet", by Dr.
Artemis Simopoulos. It's not strictly a low-fat diet, but it
substitutes monounsaturated and omega-3 polyunsaturated fats for others.
Specifically, use of olive and canola oils instead of butter, margarine,
soy, or corn oil. It also emphasizes, as you mentioned, high fiber
grains and vegetables. You CAN have spices and herbs, unless they upset
your husband's innards. I agree with Michel that the Moosewood
cookbooks would be a good place to start. If you go with the "original"
Moosewood Cookbook (authored by Mollie Katzen), buy a more recent
edition. The 1970's edition is seriously fatty. Some of the later
works by the Collective (Daily Special, New Classics) do include fish
and seafood recipes. You also can try the New Vegetarian Epicure, by
Anna Thomas.


C.J. Fuller

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