I hope everyone's day goes well.
In lieu of ham today, I decided on an old favorite that I haven't
made in a few years. Forget the wimpy buffalo chicken wings.
I'm having buffalo chicken thighs along with Marie's Chunky
Blue Cheese dressing. I might add a handful of deep fried
Tater Tots with that or maybe not. I WILL make a handful of
corn fritters though. I've already got that mixed up and waiting.
Here's two tinypics if you care to look at them.
These aren't food but about Easter on a more personal note.
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10 years ago this morning, it was a nice day so I rode my bike
down to the oceanfront...only 1 mile east. I walked out on
the beach and took this picture of the sunrise.
Here's a pic of my all-time favorite Easter basket.
This was taken 3 years ago but not on Easter morning.
Have a happy day to all.