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MisterDiddyWahDiddy MisterDiddyWahDiddy is offline
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Posts: 773
Default Happy Easter everyone

On Sunday, March 27, 2016 at 10:23:04 AM UTC-5, Gary wrote:
> I hope everyone's day goes well.
> In lieu of ham today, I decided on an old favorite that I haven't
> made in a few years. Forget the wimpy buffalo chicken wings.
> I'm having buffalo chicken thighs along with Marie's Chunky
> Blue Cheese dressing. I might add a handful of deep fried
> Tater Tots with that or maybe not. I WILL make a handful of
> corn fritters though. I've already got that mixed up and waiting.
> Here's two tinypics if you care to look at them.
> These aren't food but about Easter on a more personal note.
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> 10 years ago this morning, it was a nice day so I rode my bike
> down to the oceanfront...only 1 mile east. I walked out on
> the beach and took this picture of the sunrise.
> Here's a pic of my all-time favorite Easter basket.
> This was taken 3 years ago but not on Easter morning.
> Have a happy day to all.

I'm going to be eating ham today. That is a fairly rare thing. My
son and I both don't much like ham, though we'll eat it. My wife
probably won't eat it at all. We're going to her sister's house,
and the sister's husband's family will be there, some of whom are
extreme right-wing. If politics is mentioned, I'm going to say that
out of consideration for our host and hostess, that I think it would
be good if we agreed not to even mention anything about politics, and
that I'm sure it will be just as hard for me as for anyone else, but
that it's the right thing to do. Then, if one of them is like Kuthe,
and doesn't have the self discipline to keep his ****ing mouth shut
for the benefit of others, I'll let them have it. I'm wearing my
Bernie shirt under a button down shirt, and if the gloves come off,
so does the button down shirt.
