Happy Easter everyone
On 3/27/2016 11:35 AM, MisterDiddyWahDiddy wrote:
> I'm going to be eating ham today. That is a fairly rare thing. My
> son and I both don't much like ham, though we'll eat it. My wife
> probably won't eat it at all. We're going to her sister's house,
> and the sister's husband's family will be there, some of whom are
> extreme right-wing. If politics is mentioned, I'm going to say that
> out of consideration for our host and hostess, that I think it would
> be good if we agreed not to even mention anything about politics, and
> that I'm sure it will be just as hard for me as for anyone else, but
> that it's the right thing to do.
Show them the posts you make to RFC instead. That should make a great
conversation starter for the family.