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kilikini wrote in message ...
>"J.J." > wrote in message
>> Our pal Kate Connally > wrote:
>> > Agnes7777 wrote:

>> <snip>
>> > > When we asked the produce dept. guy what was up with those folks

>> > their
>> > > corn in the grocery store, he said it was a regional thing or

>> > >
>> > > It would have been less annoying if there'd been a trash can

>> >
>> > I'm thinking it was pure cheapness - didn't want to pay for
>> > the husks - I'm assuming it was being sold by weight.

>> Heh, reminds me of an uncle who would pull out his pocket knife and
>> cut off the stalks from asparagus before taking it to the check out...
>> --

>I've done that with broccoli - SORRY!

Where I work, we sell broccoli by the pound. the whole broccoli are organic,
and usually around 2.50 a pound. The broccoli crowns are conventionally
grown and are 1.49/ pound. I don't even want to count all the times i've
rung up the organic "crowns" customers have made for themselves, and they
started to complain that the price for crowns is less. As if i can't tell
the difference between a cut made with a knife and the ragged twisted off
edges they have made.
Once, this one lady tore off the crowns, and tried to keep the stalks in her
cart. and was lost when i explained to her that if she wanted to take them
home, she had to *pay* for them. ok, end of rant



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