Roast pork?
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Posted to,uk.rec.driving,alt.war.vietnam
Colonel Edmund J. Burke[_13_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 615
On 4/6/2016 11:36 AM, Sqwertz wrote:
> On 4/6/2016 9:33 AM, Colonel Edmund J. Burke wrote:
>> On 4/5/2016 1:44 PM,
>>> My mother used to make a pork roast, butt, and it was
>>> simmered until fork tender. In the resultant broth she
>>> would simmer extra wide noodles and it was delicious but
>>> for the life of me I cannot replicate this dish. She had
>>> no fancy spices or herbs nor was garlic or onions used in
>>> this dish. Does anything about this sound remotely familiar?
>>> I have Googled roast pork, pork roast, noodles, etc. with
>>> no satisfying returns. There are hundreds of recipes and
>>> some have ingredients I knew were not in her cupboard. Does
>>> any of this ring a bell with anyone here??
>> Well, it rings the dinner bell for me, dear heart. I oft recall the
>> lingering deliciousness of a fatass pork butt wafting throughout Sunset
>> Chateau, and dear Pleasance working merrily in the kitchen. Pleasance
>> revealed, in her micro-minnie, legs as long as boats may travel. Ah,
>> them were the good old daze.
> Butt what about the man in the boat, was he saved?
In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, it was Osiris with the mighty dong
that caused the gods to become unseemly jealous of his manshank.
In the end he saved himself and all of Grease.
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Colonel Edmund J. Burke[_13_]
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