Roast pork?
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Posted to uk.rec.driving,,alt.war.vietnam
Colonel Edmund J. Burke[_13_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 615
On 4/6/2016 11:51 AM, Sqwertz wrote:
> On 4/6/2016 12:42 PM, Colonel Edmund J. Burke wrote:
>> On 4/6/2016 11:36 AM, Sqwertz wrote:
>>> On 4/6/2016 9:33 AM, Colonel Edmund J. Burke wrote:
>>>> On 4/5/2016 1:44 PM,
>>>>> My mother used to make a pork roast, butt, and it was
>>>>> simmered until fork tender. In the resultant broth she
>>>>> would simmer extra wide noodles and it was delicious but
>>>>> for the life of me I cannot replicate this dish. She had
>>>>> no fancy spices or herbs nor was garlic or onions used in
>>>>> this dish. Does anything about this sound remotely familiar?
>>>>> I have Googled roast pork, pork roast, noodles, etc. with
>>>>> no satisfying returns. There are hundreds of recipes and
>>>>> some have ingredients I knew were not in her cupboard. Does
>>>>> any of this ring a bell with anyone here??
>>>> Well, it rings the dinner bell for me, dear heart. I oft recall the
>>>> lingering deliciousness of a fatass pork butt wafting throughout Sunset
>>>> Chateau, and dear Pleasance working merrily in the kitchen. Pleasance
>>>> revealed, in her micro-minnie, legs as long as boats may travel. Ah,
>>>> them were the good old daze.
>>> Butt what about the man in the boat, was he saved?
>> In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, it was Osiris with the mighty dong
>> that caused the gods to become unseemly jealous of his manshank.
>> In the end he saved himself and all of Grease.
> But as the dwarfish spawn of the Nephilim his parts were rent asunder
> and later used for halftime appetizers...
> Seth belched but ultimately et on.
I know a hawt babe named Nephilim. I really wanna dong 'er.
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Colonel Edmund J. Burke[_13_]
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