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Sqwertz Sqwertz is offline
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Default Dating Expiration of Refrigerated Foods

On 4/8/2016 5:01 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> It isn't necessary to cook more dry pasta than is needed for a meal.
>> You simply put the unused portion away for another meal. The above
>> sounds exactly like you are saying that one package of Costco pasta is
>> more than your family is able to eat at one time therefore you can't
>> use it. That is exactly why I replied as I did the first time.
>> Janet US

> OMG! Just STFU you freaking idiot! How in the world could I possibly
> know how much pasta another person will eat? My psychic powers are not
> that good. At some point in time there will be leftovers!
> You don't know how to read at all. Do you? My reply was to sf who said
> that she only buys food for three days at a time. The freaking pasta
> was just an example. I was trying to point out that if you buy some
> things at Costco like I do, you'll have to buy more than you can eat in
> three days unless you have a really huge family or are cooking for a crowd.
> There is no pasta problem in this house. None. Never was.
> I did however have to get a new Rachael Ray pasta pot as the protective
> piece on one handle cracked off. And yes, I know I could have used a
> pot holder but I felt it was time for a new one. This one is yellow.
> Yellow! Squee!
> Now... Are you going to drum up any more problems that aren't even
> problems for me?

Dat Brit bitch has some serious attitude warpage fo sho!