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carnal asada carnal asada is offline
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Default Dating Expiration of Refrigerated Foods

On 4/10/2016 9:58 AM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 4/10/2016 9:17 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> I spend 4 days in ICU and another 3 nights in the hospital. I was billed
>> nothing for all that.

> How much does the average Canadian pay for free medical? Based on income?

Take a gander at their cost pf living up there.

Not so good.

The True North may be strong but it isnt exactly free. At least, not
from a household finance perspective.
Last winter, a British economic research group concluded that the cost
of living in the UK is 11% higher than the international average and 18%
costlier than living in the United States.
No surprise there, right? We have all heard stories or had our own
experiences of shockingly high prices for drinks or hotel rooms in
London. If youve ever rented a car in the UK or Europe then you know
our price of gas in North America, while crazy-making, is comparatively
nothing to complain about. And we nearly all have a cousin or friend or
friend-of-a-friend who lives in the UK and pays an exorbitant rent for a
very small flat with only occasionally reliable hot water.
And thats why we choose to live large and comfortably on the cheap here
in Canada, right?

The loonie truth
Not so fast. Looking at the same OECD (Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development) data that the British group analyzed, it
becomes apparent that as costly as it is to live in Britain, Canada is
still costlier. Whaa---at?
Yup. Good ol Canada was revealed to have a cost of living 11% higher
than Britain. Which means, living in our home and native land costs us a
whopping 22% more than the international average. Now theres a bit of a
shocker, eh?