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Default Dating Expiration of Refrigerated Foods

On Sun, 10 Apr 2016 16:28:28 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

>On 4/10/2016 3:46 PM, wrote:
>>>>> How much does the average Canadian pay for free medical? Based on
>>>>> income?

>>> I did find this and it does not look so good.
>>> In 2013, a typical Canadian family of four can expect to pay $11,320 for
>>> public health care insurance. For the average family of two parents with
>>> one child that bill will be $10,989, and for the average family of two
>>> adults (without children) the bill comes to $11,381.

>> Ed pls don't pay too much attention to what the Huff Post has to say,
>> I sincerely doubt their figures are even correct.

>Perhaps, but nobody else has been able to put a dollar figure on it.
>Those numbers are not much different than what we pay.

I know that sometimes the GST (tax on purchases) hurts but by the same
token I have zero worries about being sick and needing medical help.
When David retired because Blue Cross knew what his problems were they
offered us additional coverage for $300 per month. We told them where
to go because in essence all they offered was a private room if you
were hospitalized.

He never lacked medical care until he died and at 65 I went on to
Pharmacare (our provincial system) for $434 per year, that subsidizes
drug costs which could be enormous.

Since that time I have had a knee replaced, a thumb joint replacement
and been treated for migranal vertigo, none of which has cost me a
penny. So I don't really know but you will be able to judge for
yourself. I have had friends who have had all sorts of problems
compared to me and they are still solvent.