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Sqwertz[_3_] Sqwertz[_3_] is offline
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Default Dating Expiration of Refrigerated Foods

On 4/10/2016 4:05 PM, graham wrote:
> On 10/04/2016 3:59 PM, wrote:
>> On Sun, 10 Apr 2016 17:15:52 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>> On 4/10/2016 4:29 PM, graham wrote:
>>>> On 10/04/2016 2:28 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>>>> On 4/10/2016 3:46 PM,
>>>>>>>>> How much does the average Canadian pay for free medical? Based on
>>>>>>>>> income?
>>>>> ?
>>>>>>> I did find this and it does not look so good.
>>>>>>> In 2013, a typical Canadian family of four can expect to pay $11,320
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> public health care insurance. For the average family of two parents
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> one child that bill will be $10,989, and for the average family
>>>>>>> of two
>>>>>>> adults (without children) the bill comes to $11,381.
>>>>>> Ed pls don't pay too much attention to what the Huff Post has to say,
>>>>>> I sincerely doubt their figures are even correct.
>>>>> Perhaps, but nobody else has been able to put a dollar figure on it.
>>>>> Those numbers are not much different than what we pay.
>>>> No, Ed. Our costs are about half of yours, according to the OECD.
>>>> Graham
>>> Cost of services, yes. But what is the cost of insurance? The cost
>>> quoted above is about the same. No one has put a dollar figure that you
>>> actually pay. The money comes out of your pocket someplace.

>> Because it mostly comes through GST (sort of purchase tax) it does
>> mean that the more you have to spend, the more you pay. Seems a
>> simple way to sort the chicken from the geese.
>> I suppose to give you an actual figure for myself I would have to
>> record money spent for a year. Not all purchases incur the tax, food
>> for example, does not. Kids clothing does not and there are several
>> other unavoidable spends that don't incur the tax.
>> I may like to grumble occasionally but in the long run, I love
>> universal healthcare, am completely satisfied with the care I receive,
>> and am willing to bet no insurance company offers as good a deal.

> I think we should emphasise that health care in Canada is a provincial
> responsibility and each province has its own way of financing it.
> Graham

It is ironic though that, just when interest in the United States is
rising, the Canadian system itself has become more vulnerable. Emergency
room overcrowding has reached crisis proportions in Ontario and Quebec;
hospital closings have devastated rural communities in Saskatchewan and
Alberta; the provinces are begging for federal health care cuts to be
restored to prevent a collapse of the system.

A 2007 international survey of seven countries by the Commonwealth Fund
(New York) found that 72% of Canadians think their health care system
needs either fundamental changes or complete rebuilding.

A 2006 Léger Poll for the Montreal Economic Institute shows that 48% of
Canadians and 60% of Quebecers would find it acceptable if patients were
allowed to pay for health care in the private sector while still
maintaining the present free universal medicare plan.

Now that the Supreme Court of Canada has invalidated Quebec’s
legislation and has concluded that access to a private alternative
health insurance would not endanger the integrity of the public system,
it is incumbent upon Quebec and the other provinces with similar
legislation to immediately rescind these legislated infringements of the
charter rights of patients while retaining present medicare
entitlements. This will reduce the associated pain, suffering, and
sometimes death that continues to be inflicted on Canadians by this
unjust legislation.

The reason health care privatization is stepping to the forefront in the
national debate is because the Canada Health Act has become a mangy,
cost-addled money trap fed by annual increases well beyond the economy’s
current abilities. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD), an international policy performance gauge,
repeatedly ranks Canada as a mediocre healthcare supplier at best.