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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Dating Expiration of Refrigerated Foods

On 4/10/2016 10:32 PM, Doris Night wrote:

> While we're on the topic, Americans (including you, Julie) frequently
> go on about not having access to doctors outside of their insurance
> company's group. I forget exactly what you call that. In Canada, there
> are no restrictions like that.
> Doris

You are talking about "in network"
That does not apply to everyone, just certain insurance companies. I've
never been restricted. Anyone over 65 on Medicare is not restricted
either as long as the doctor accepts it.

We've elected to stick with Reliant Medical because the service and care
is excellent, but we can go to any doctor we choose. Reliant has pretty
much every type of doctor you ever need and they have access to your
records when needed. You can have an X-ray done and any doctor in the
system you see can have instant access to it.

Some insurance companies have agreements with medical practices to
accept negotiated discount rates to keep cost in check.