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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Dating Expiration of Refrigerated Foods

On 4/11/2016 9:11 AM, Dave Smith wrote:

> The health care business has a powerful lobby and put out a lot of bad
> press about our system because a lot of people in the insurance business
> stand to lose a lot of money. They want you to think the system is a
> failure and that everyone is unhappy. Someone posted something about
> more than half of us being unhappy with the health care system. I don't
> know where they get that because most of us are quite happy with it and
> consider it to be far better than the American system.

You said you now have to pay a small premium for coverage. That is just
the first step to a larger premium How USA of them to start you on the

Sounds to me that both systems need some work. At least I know what my
payments are, you guys have it buried in taxes and no one seems to
really know what it is costing you.