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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Dating Expiration of Refrigerated Foods

On 4/11/2016 10:56 AM, Janet B wrote:

> You need to be fair about the company insurance plan. Companies have
> been striving for decades toward no insurance plans for employees and
> retirees. You can bet there was a lot of whooping and hollering in
> board rooms across the country when they had an excuse to drop
> beneficiaries. IMO, retirees have no right to insurance benefits from
> a company that no longer employs them.
> Janet US

They do not have a "right", but like other benefits, it is just part of
the compensation plan. An expensive one getting more expensive as
people live longer.

I know of one person that took an offered early retirement from his
company about 12 years ago. Part of the deal was insurance for life. He
has no idea where he stands in the future as the company in in
bankruptcy proceeding and will have a new owner.

Nice benefit, but not always sustainable.