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Janet B Janet B is offline
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Default Dating Expiration of Refrigerated Foods

On Mon, 11 Apr 2016 20:04:04 -0300, wrote:

>On Mon, 11 Apr 2016 17:33:34 -0400, jmcquown >
>>On 4/11/2016 5:12 PM, Janet B wrote:
>>> On Mon, 11 Apr 2016 16:05:10 -0300,
>>>> On Mon, 11 Apr 2016 09:20:11 -0600, Janet B >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I guess I was lucky. I didn't have surgery to have it removed. I did
>>>>> have surgery to place a 'screen' before my heart to prevent the clot
>>>> >from getting to heart. I was treated with a blood thinner.
>>>>> Janet US
>>>> I saw one of those 'medical' ads on tv the other day, a law firm
>>>> asking you if you had one of those screens to contact them - maybe you
>>>> should check that out?
>>> No, I don't listen to those ads. It's law firms looking for business.
>>> Janet US

>>Those ads are always announced by a "non-attorney spokesperson". Class
>>action lawsuits. Hey, if you join in and deal with 10 years of
>>litigation you *might* get a settlement check... after the lawyers take
>>their cut you'll be lucky to get $1.99... if you live long enough.

>I wasn't suggesting Janet enter a class action, more that if the
>lawyers are advertising about those 'screens' maybe it is worth Janets
>time to check with her doc what's going on with them.

Doesn't matter. It's not going anywhere unless I want to have
potentially dangerous surgery. The body tissue grows them in place.
Just like when you have cataract surgery, the body tissue grows over
the edges.
Janet US