>"DJS0302" wrote:
>> >sumwon wrote:
>>>I need some help. My friend of 2 years is having a birthday party this
>>>weekend for her hubby who's turning 44, my hubby & I have no idea what to
>>>get him. He has a lot of tools & as for clothes I wouldn't know what to
>>>get. He doesn't drink alcohol so that's out of the question.
>>>What are some good suggestions for $100.???
>> $100.00? Do you always spend that much on birthday presents? The most
>> I've
>> ever spent in a situation like that is maybe $40.00. I do spend a lot
>> more on
>> family members or on people I've known my entire life but a two year
>> friendship
>> does not warrant a $100.00 birthday gift.
Wouldn't that depend on circumstances surrounding the relationship... and ones
pocketbook... and what does the length of a relationship have to do with
anything, people can share an awful lot of intimacies within a two year period,
and then there are family members one knows all their life but who never share
much more than superficial pleasantries (or things not so pleasant) and never
once ever exchange any gift. And it just might be a very fancy schmancy
birthday party, catered with costly viands, a live band and dancing, top of the
line bar, lots of servers waving hors-doovers and da bubbly under noses,
etc.... not your typical sunday noon churchy feed with froot punch, mac n'
cheese, baloney on wonder white w/yaller mustid, and pta sheet cake.
Can't really buy much for $100 these days anyway... certainly won't cover the
cost of having two adults to a really nice birthday party.
Past spring my neighbor two properties down the road, a rather young couple
(mid 20s), had their first child... I barely knew them but a few months, but
they welcomed me into the neigborhood when I arrived and stop by often to chat,
about the weather, local politics, etc, but mostly about their new baby. I
never considered the price when I ordered a sterling silver monogrammed feeding
spoon for the baby from Tiffanys & Co... I think they were more impressed with
that robin's egg blue box and white bow than the $100 spoon. Doesn't matter
that I didn't know them long, I intend to be here a long time...€œyou reap
what you sow€
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."