Thread: Roasted Pasta
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Mark Thorson Mark Thorson is offline
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Default Roasted Pasta

sf wrote:
> Okay, that's the last thing I would have ever dreamed up. I like
> toasted oatmeal, so maybe roasted pasta isn't as bad as it sounds.

I can understand a light toasting -- sort
of like how ramen noodles are deep-fried
so they cook up quickly and nicely in a
few minutes of boiling hot broth. But
roasting dry pasta until it's golden brown?
That seems likely to introduce charred
notes -- not something desirable. Without
trying it, I won't dismiss it, but I'm
skeptical. Why don't you try it and
report back? I anticipate even browning
will be the major difficulty, so frequent
rotation of the pan and stirring would
probably be a good idea. Plus, you'll
want to check it frequently so you don't
overrun your brownness target.

If this works, wouldn't deep frying till
brown make more sense? You'd have a more
even browning and better control.

This seems so screwball to me -- I'm
reminded of the guy in Germany who was
experimenting with deep frying in sugar
syrup instead of fat. Yeah, that might
work. Hey, maybe you could deep fry dry
pasta in sugar syrup! That might even
be patentable!