Thread: CoffeeMakers
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  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
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<RJ> wrote:
> We really enjoy our morning coffee !
> For years, we've used the same drip-maker
> with the paper filters.
> Recently we bought a new coffee-maker
> that uses cone filters.
> Same water, same brand of coffee, same measure,
> and yet the brew is noticeably better.
> I'm thinking its because
> more of the water goes through the grounds.
> ????
> Has anyone had similar experiences ?
> <rj>

You've heard a lot from respondents, but the one thing that is not clear
in your post, and asked by Sheldon, is: did you switch from paper
filters to metal filters?

If you did, one thing that IS getting through to your cup now is the oil
from the coffee. Paper filters suck it up and the associated flavor.

If both are paper filters, then it may be a difference in brew
temperature and/or how long the grounds are exposed to the water.

To take another step up, you have said you'll go to a vacuum pot. Good
idea, although you might want to check out press pots. As I do not make
full pots, except on rare occasions, I find a small press pot performs
more than admirable duty, is smaller on the counter and can be cleaned
very quickly.
