Quoth Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat > on Sun, 15 Aug
2004 17:30:18 +0100,
>Ah-ha, another victim to the "get rid of those flowers cos you can't eat
>them" bug maybe ? ;-)
Oh, No, don't do that! Many flowers are edible and some are delicious!
Quite seriously, it's about time to start gathering rose hips for Rose
Hip Jelly; somewhere I have a recipe for rose petal jam which is
supposed to be quite good for you (except of course for the sugar; it's
almost a 'water jelly' base). And if you plant nasturtiums, you can can
your own capers from the buds!
Sweet Woodruff (Gallium odoratum, if the taxonomists haven't changed its
name yet) grows well in shade, but the only culinary use I know for it
is in May Wine. IIRC you add the woodruff to a white or light wine and
So let's not rule out the flowers just yet. Grow edible flowers! Plant
decorative vegetables! Imagine a trellis full of currant tomatoes (a big
trellis, them little 'maters grow BIG plants). Explain to your neighbors
that tomatoes were grown as ornamental plants before they were grown as
a vegetable. Imagine how CUTE jars of whole, tiny currant tomatoes could
be... pickled, maybe?
Only know that there is no spork.