Roasted Pasta
On 4/17/2016 1:51 AM, sf wrote:
>>>>> I haven't done it, but the way I understood it - the pasta is boiled
>>>>> as usual.
>>>> I'm cooking it as I key, more later!
>>> The article said it needs to be cooked longer, did you find that to be
>>> true?
>> So here is the review - AWESOME!
>> I cooked the pasta for 16 minutes, drained, sauced with a nice few
>> tablespoons of olive oil and sauteed garlic, then grated Parmesan on top.
>> The taste was rich, nutty, completely compatible with oil and garlic,
>> and a dish destined for a repeat engagement!
>> THANK YOU sf!
>> You get as many gold stars as we have in the drawer and a future draft
>> pick to be named later.
>> Nailed it!
> Okay, I will definitely try it. Thanks!
I made so much we still have leftovers for lunch today - Woo Hoo!