And don't forget the Bartle's and James(sp?) wine coolers!!
That's an E/J product.
reply@grouponly wrote:
> On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 13:04:38 -0400, "Michael Lawson" >
> wrote:
>>Yeek. Two things:
>>Gallo will regret this in about 4-5 years given Wal Mart's
>>history of putting the screws on it's suppliers.
>>It makes Two Buck Chuck sound downright extravagant.
>>--Mike L.
> If I'm not mistaken, E & J also make Thunderbird -
> though I don't think you'll find it on their website.
> And,...Sorry to Droopy or others for old news.
> Have a great weekend!
> Andrew
> P.S. What's the word? Thunderbird !