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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Yesterday's Dinner... Roast Pork Loin, Boneless

On Fri, 22 Apr 2016 08:58:30 -0700 (PDT),

>Sheldon, last week you said that you chop up orange skins for the birds.
>How small a chop, knife sized chop or food processor sized chop?
>Which birds eat this? I have oranges in the house this week and
>will put the skins out for them. I have crows and various woodpeckers,
>pileated, flicker, red-bellied, hairy, downy, etc in the front yard with
>the suet and meat scraps and mostly little birds in the backyard with
>sunflower seeds, thistle, corn, meal worms and safflower seeds. Just
>curious which of the birds will be tempted by the orange skin.
>Denise in NH

I use a paring knife, while peeling I cut the peels into ~1/4" strips
and then into approximately 1/4" dice. I do this on a small cutting
board while eating the orange, it's really no big deal to do. Then I
flick the diced peels out my side window where I toss bird seed on the
ground. I really can't say exactly which birds eat the peels but I
know the cardinals do, I'm sure others eat them too as they are all
gone the next day. I toss apple cores out too. Any scraps critters
can eat go outside, the rest like coffee grounds, teabags, onion
parings, etc. I compost. I toss potato and carrot parings out for the
critters too, deer probably eat that. Most foraging critters are
nocturnal so no telling which eat what but all gets eaten, even
poultry carcasses disappear. In winter meat drippings get poured out
by the edge of the woods, some critters lick that up too... nothing
wasted, even meat eating critters do composting and ammend my soil.
Today I cut away all the exterior fat from that pork roast and tossed
it outside, before I could get back inside the crows arrived to feast.
What bits of canned cat food doesn't get eaten I soak the bowls till
the dried food loosens and toss that out, the crows eat that too. I
like living where I can live however I like, no neighbors can see me
so I can feed the critters while as naked as they come to eat... when
I toss out carrots deer don't care that I don't dress for dinner in
any more than flip flops and a tee shirt. LOL