On 4/27/2016 7:34 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> In the succotash thread, someone mentioned corn. Seems like sweet corn
> is already coming to market in the southern US. It's on sale at Publix,
> Food Lion and Piggly Wiggly.
> The corn is likely from Florida, although I do need to take another
> drive to the nearby fruit and vegetable farms to check out what they
> have to offer.
> IMHO, it's not yet the best price. It's a tad too early. The lowest is
> 6 ears for $2.98. In a few weeks it will likely be 10 ears and the
> price might drop.
> I have to thank lucretia (again) for tipping me off to the fact corn can
> be tossed in the freezer in the husks without any par-boiling or
> blanching. I did that with the ears of corn I bought last year at a
> farm stand. The corn was outstanding when I was ready to cook/eat it.
> I like to grill corn. With the husks on. Soak them in water first to
> prevent scorching. Mmmm, delicious!
I saw some at my store today but it wasn't evident where it was from. I
didn't even notice the price because I just love MD locally grown corn
and I'll wait.