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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Posts: 12,851
Default Speaking of corn...

On 5/1/2016 12:31 PM, Janet wrote:
> In article >,
> says...
>> On 5/1/2016 10:17 AM, Janet wrote:
>>> I can't understand why Julie finds shortages of fresh undamaged
>>> produce in Bothell when California and Florida are on her US doorstep,
>>> and Mexico the Caribbean and South America next door?
>>> Janet UK

>> Many possible reasons. South America is days away by ship, hours by
>> plane, bur storms and severe weather can disrupt the normal flow of
>> product. Produce is seasonal, of course, and at times prime produce is
>> just not available if that particular item is done in one region, not
>> ready for harvest in the next. The righ combination of weather and crop
>> timing can cause a temporary shortage of high quality perrishable product.

> Yet amazingly, the same time weather and distance problems don't
> affect reliable fresh veg and fruit supplies in UK, transported here
> from the South America, Thailand, the Caribbean, Africa, New Zealand
> etc.

Oh, I bet certain things are at certain times. You may not notice the
lack of a particular item on a given week but the international shipping
system has glitches at times. Could be pineapples this week but if you
are not looking for pineapples you'd never notice.