One book, not a really definitive one from the scientific perspective,
but very good over all is "Vines to Wines" by Cox. He has a number of
good tables in which he discusses degree days and varietals that need
specific heat and sun. This book will most likely lead you to others.
Another book that may help is Weaver's "Grape Growing" (John Wiley &
I think that the folks at Cornell would be able to help you. If you
cannot reach anyone there try UC Davis in CA. Their enology dept would
know how to contact someone in the East relative to this issue.
"PFS" > wrote in message
> I'm looking to start a small vineyard in the spring, with hopes of
> it into a much larger vineyard over time. Soil prep is beginning this
> when the backhoe arrives to dig the planting trenches. The purpose of
> vineyard will be 100% wine making. As I review supplier catelogs, I'm
> overwhelmed by the # of different varieties. Where can I find good
> information on the nature of particular varieties, and which will
> best in my area?
> For those willing to offer advice, my farm is located in central
> Pennslyvania, in USDA zone 6. It sits along the Susquehanna River, so
> benefits from the river's protection from early frosts. Good slopes,
> southern exposure, etc.
> Thanks in advance for any advice,
> Paul