We Cup Darjeeling
So, talking about the whole fully withered darjeeling thing on the
##tea channel on freenode (which appears to consist of refugees from reddit),
someone suggested I try the "First Flush Jungpana 'Clonal Spring Delight'"
tea from What-Cha, saying it was pretty dark.
And.... this is GREEN. This is so green. Not only that, it has the sort
of fishy, seaweedy taste that some Japanese greens have, which I have never
experienced in any other teas.
So I'd count it as interesting but diametrically opposed to the style I am
looking for.
However.... in order to make up the order, I also ordered a mystery tea kit
from What-Cha, and they sent two teas that were themselves much more
interesting than the darjeeling.
They had something marked "Azores Orange Pekoe Black Tea." I had no idea
they grew tea in the Azores at all. Very smooth and rounded with no real
tannic bite to it at all. It's not something I'd pick as a daily drinking
tea but it could sure be nice for blending to smooth out a harsher tea.
They also included some of the "Wild Boar" black tea from Vietnam which was
again very smooth and rounded but with a much thicker mouthfeel and a deeper
Anyway.... just wanted folks to know about some of this stuff. None of it
was really to my taste but all of it was interesting and might be to yours.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."