We Cup Darjeeling
Lewis Perin > wrote:
(Scott Dorsey) writes:
>>So, talking about the whole fully withered darjeeling thing on the
>>##tea channel on freenode (which appears to consist of refugees from reddit),
>>someone suggested I try the "First Flush Jungpana 'Clonal Spring Delight'"
>>tea from What-Cha, saying it was pretty dark.
>>And.... this is GREEN. This is so green. Not only that, it has the sort
>>of fishy, seaweedy taste that some Japanese greens have, which I have never
>>experienced in any other teas.
>>So I'd count it as interesting but diametrically opposed to the style I am
>>looking for.
>Im afraid you arent going to find a first flush Darjeeling that isnt
>green these days.
Sadly true. Even so, this was green even by THOSE standards.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."