In article >,
Larry Smith > wrote:
> I have a yen to try kettle corn after hearing about it several times
> on Food Channel, but I can't figure out how to make it at home. I don't
> have a big enough pot with the right shape to try making it "the right
> way", and I don't care for MW popcorn so the packages don't appeal. Has
> anyone tried throwing a tablespoon of sugar in with the kernals in their
> hot air popper? I figure it would either evaporate and spray the popping
> kernals with sugar like the traditional popping method, or it would make
> a horrible gummy mess and short out the popper. Any one care to guess
> which?
I think a hot air popper would be unsuccessful at best, a disaster at
How large a pot are you envisioning you'd need? I've done it in a plain
old 3, maybe 4-quart one.
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