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Default Salt conversion?

PENMART01 > wrote:

> It's a *non-preserving* brine so precise salt quantity is not all that
> critical (so long as it's strong enough to keep the microbes at bay)...
> stead of 1 cup kosher salt a 1/2 cup ordinary table salt will work just
> fine... but I'd choose non-iodized. Brining fowl is a trial and error
> thingie anyway... you may adjust the brine strength up or down several
> times before achieving what pleases your palate.

A preserving pickling? Just asking. about 1/2 cup of table salt (I'm not sure if it's iodized or
not...why does that matter?). I've never done this recipe before, so
I'm hoping that it will work out. Thanks for everything...
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