Holding lentils in mah hand, how would you like it if Vin Diesel punched
you clutching a handful of butter beans~!?
That was the true fate of one Dean Dark, who couldn't get the job on
America's Next Top Bean Addict. Vin Diesel had that job on lock down. We
Heard the News was in rehab that weekend.
Vin won the competition with this award winning recipe
1. WUN
2. Psychotropic Poppiseeds
3. 1 1/2 cups of butter beanz
3. A comb-over trifecta
4. Broken "Hollyweird" CD case
5. One scoop of WHA
I have it on good authority that you will want to re-read the recipe for
clues. To what, I don't know.
Frake Me,
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