On Sat, 7 May 2016 15:18:22 -0500, MaryL >
>On 5/7/2016 1:15 PM, Janet B wrote:
>> On Sat, 7 May 2016 10:26:44 -0700 (PDT), Roy >
>> wrote:
>>> I had this old recipe in my files which I thought
>>> I would share.
>>> Might come in handy for readers of this forum. If you
>>> don't have any ground TROLL just substitute ground beef.
>>> You might want to reduce quantities as this would feed a small
>>> army.
>>> =====
>>> Ingredients:
>>> 1 lb ground TROLL
>>> 3 med onions (chopped)
>>> 3 cups macaroni
>>> 1- 19oz tin tomato soup
>>> 1/2 cup ketchup
>>> Method:
>>> Fry ground TROLL and onions till brown.
>>> Boil macaroni in salted water till done.
>>> Drain.
>>> Mix macaroni, ground TROLL & onions.
>>> Add tomato soup and ketchup.
>>> ====
>> My mother called that American spaghetti.
>> Janet US
>I wonder why she would call it American spaghetti? We often have
>spaghetti, and we never use macaroni in it. We only use the traditional
>long, thin pasta if we call it spaghetti. However, this recipe sounds good.
It obviously has nothing to do with Italian food.
as you travel around the U.S., you'll find different names for this
dish. I think another one is American Chop Suey. The use of pasta
wasn't common to all groups of Americans. Different locales put their
own spin on things.
Janet US