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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Poisoned produce in Ann Arbor

Bruce wrote:
> Cindy wrote:

> > I've messed around with dyeing my hair a few times, but I could
> > never be bothered to keep up with it. I'd look at the new color
> > and say "So? I'm still me." The last time I did that I was in my
> > 40s. In my late 20s I henna'd my hair routinely for a few years.
> > It faded over time and I never got "roots". Now I can't fathom
> > why I bothered.

To Cindy: My ex dyed her hair occasionally with henna. I really liked
the look..a dark reddish brown.

IMO, once you start getting quite a bit of gray (and even white hair),
it's not bad to dye it for at least a few years. makes you
look "as young as you feel." I've known a few people that just let it
go natural and they look like crap way before their time. A 50 year
old woman with white hair looks 70. An old girlfriend of mine let it
go and she looked bad. I wasn't my place to tell her that though.

Then I've known people that dye it some solid color and they look so
fake and obviously dyed.

I've thought about dying mine for about 10 years now. Hey...why
not..young people do it just for a change.

Best advice I heard is.... pick a hair dye color that used to be
yours. Choose the dye that will wash out in several hair washes. Once
you dye it...if it looks too fake (no one has all one color hair),
just wash it a few times to let some of the natural color start
showing through the dye.

I'll probably try it someday but I'll make sure it's a temporary dye.
If I look too weird, I can stay in the house and wash some of it out.

> I've never dyed my hair, but there is still time.

And here's the other side of that comment. Bald/shaved is so "the
fashion" these days for men, just shave it all off vs dying it.