Poisoned produce in Ann Arbor
On Sunday, May 8, 2016 at 9:46:13 AM UTC-4, Gary wrote:
> Bruce wrote:
> >
> > Cindy wrote:
> > > I've messed around with dyeing my hair a few times, but I could
> > > never be bothered to keep up with it. I'd look at the new color
> > > and say "So? I'm still me." The last time I did that I was in my
> > > 40s. In my late 20s I henna'd my hair routinely for a few years.
> > > It faded over time and I never got "roots". Now I can't fathom
> > > why I bothered.
> To Cindy: My ex dyed her hair occasionally with henna. I really liked
> the look..a dark reddish brown.
> IMO, once you start getting quite a bit of gray (and even white hair),
> it's not bad to dye it for at least a few years. Hey...it makes you
> look "as young as you feel."
I am 59, so I reckon I feel 59. Why shouldn't I have hair to match?
Cindy Hamilton