On 5/8/2016 11:21 AM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 5/8/2016 10:53 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 5/8/2016 9:46 AM, Gary wrote:
>>> IMO, once you start getting quite a bit of gray (and even white hair),
>>> it's not bad to dye it for at least a few years. Hey...it makes you
>>> look "as young as you feel." I've known a few people that just let it
>>> go natural and they look like crap way before their time.
>> I started going grey (not a pretty, silvery grey, think government steel
>> desk grey) when I was 30. Hell no, I won't go!
>> Jill
> About 40 my wife stated getting the silvery gray mix in her pure black
> hair. I thought it looked nice, but she talked of dying her hair. i
> convinced her not to as black hair dyed looks so fake. Any time we'd
> see an older woman with dyed black hair I'd say to my wife "remind me to
> pick up shoe polish"
I had an aunt who at one time had black hair. When it started to turn
whatever she dyed it and yes, it did look like shoe polish. It was
blatantly obvious. There have been ways to be more subtle about it for
a long time now.
> Thirty years later she has much more gray than black, but is is a nice
> combo and has always been age appropriate as it changed. She is
> fortunate to have such nice color.
Yes, she is.