Poisoned produce in Ann Arbor
On 5/8/2016 11:48 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2016-05-08 9:46 AM, Gary wrote:
>> Bruce wrote:
>> Best advice I heard is.... pick a hair dye color that used to be
>> yours. Choose the dye that will wash out in several hair washes. Once
>> you dye it...if it looks too fake (no one has all one color hair),
>> just wash it a few times to let some of the natural color start
>> showing through the dye.
> We had a lot of fun with our boss when he used Grecian Formula to get
> hide the graying of his hair. We would look at him and ask him if he was
> feeling okay, or ask why he looked different, but not acknowledge the
> hair colour issue.
I worked with a man whose wife gave him a toupee for Valentine's Day.
I'm not kidding. He was showing off his new hair in the break room.
All I could think of was Carl Reiner and his many ill-fitting hair
pieces on (for example) the Dick Van Dyke Show.
All I wanted was a cup of coffee...