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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Jill may be a pioneer

"barbie gee" > wrote in message
> On Sun, 8 May 2016, cshenk wrote:
>> jmcquown wrote in
>>> On 5/8/2016 12:36 PM, notbob wrote:
>>>> Jill. I know you do not particularly like sugar, sweet tea,
>>>> cornbread w/ sugar, etc. You may be a real pioneer on the
>>>> food/health front:
>>>> I watched this film, this morning. Pretty scary. Basically, it's
>>>> saying sugar, not fat, is the bad guy and the sugar industry has
>>>> been using cigarette industry tactics (lie like a rug!) to save
>>>> itself and its enormous profits. It says we've been stuffing
>>>> ourselves with sugar based calories much like duck/geese are
>>>> force-fed to make foi gras and ending up with the same affliction,
>>>> which is "fatty liver disease" (FLD).
>>>> You know it's bad when it already has its own acronym.
>>>> nb
>>> Gee, thanks for thinking of me. I'll have to take your word for it.
>>> Pretty much the only thing I've use sugar for recently is making
>>> nectar for the hummingbird feeder.
>>> Jill

>> I use it for bread and little else.

> I still see way more HFCS as an ingredient than sugar, when it comes to
> sweet processed foods, like soda pop, for example.

Yep. I have no problems with sugar. Not that I eat or use much of it. I
don't. HFCS is everywhere. Even in stuff that wouldn't normally have any