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Dave asked:

> We were particularly intruiged by the regional honeys and bought a cute
> sampler pack.
> So, um, now what? What's the best way to enjoy them? One fairly obvious
> solution, to pair them with cheese, is pretty much out since the wife is
> on a reduced cholesterol diet and can no longer tolerate luscious cheese.

I was under the impression that nonfat cottage cheese or ricotta might be
allowed for those working to lower their cholesterol. If so, you could do
something like this: Line up several spoons with a spoonful of cottage
cheese in each one, and drizzle a different honey over each.

Honey is also a terrific tea-sweetener, and honey on cornbread is wonderful.
A honey-tomato curry sauce is apparently quite popular in Japan. Honey is
used in many salad dressings. If you've got a LOT of honey (which doesn't
really appear to be the case, unless the samples were quite large), you can
stew dried fruit in it; apricots and figs respond particularly well to that
