Crock pot French Onion Soup
On Sun, 15 May 2016 17:52:12 -0400, Cheryl >
>I could easily caramelize the onions the old fashioned way, but I wanted
>to give this a try. And I think I discovered (maybe slowly to most of
>you) that the key to slicing onions without tears is just very simply a
>sharp knife. I can't remember the last time I got teary from slicing
>onions though this time my eyes felt a little sting but no tears.
>Here's the recipe I'm following, more or less
>Starting it now so in the morning I can add the broth and other
>ingredients to finish it up during the day.
I did something very similar sans-slow cooker some years ago when
caramelising some onions... they ended up being 'French Onion soup'
and it came out great. I also used balsamic vinegar too, it really
makes a huge difference to the end result. I'll save this recipe and
try it soonish... thanks.