Fie on you Walmart!
On 5/23/2016 2:08 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 5/22/2016 7:51 PM, Roy wrote:
>>> Consider that the produce dep't has to pay wages to these apple
>>> slicers and cabbage wonder that the cost is higher for
>>> these and other prepared products.
>>> Julie, you could save a fortune every year by cutting up your
>>> produce. Just think of what you could do with the savings.
>>> ====
>> But, but, but... she's not allowed to dispose of apple cores!
> Why do you people lie? Cores must go in the yard waste. And if I want to
> buy sliced apples, why should anyone here care? Should I start harping
> at people who buy meat? Why not go shoot something and butcher it? Oh
> hey! You can make shoes and a purse from the hide! And think of all the
> bone broth you can make.
No one here in RFC is lying. Bove, as usual, misunderstands the
"imagined rules" with regard to 'recycling'! I DARE BOVE to find such a
rule/law that states otherwise. BOVE won't be able to find any such
explicit law because it probably does not exist - at least not in the
universe of bothell.
Egads, how many folks have garbage disposals in their kitchen .... what
laws do folks have to follow if there is such a contraption in their
home? Oh my -- call the food police because millions of folks break the
law(s) if they use such a thing to dispose of their apple cores!!!
YIKES, the country's running amok!
There may be rules that state "IF" someone does recycle, then please
follow such-n-such 'guidelines'. End of story. But such a simple
concept seems to be beyond bove's comprehension.
Kitchen Rule #1 - Use the timer!
Kitchen Rule #2 - Cook's choice!