How sad to hear someone does not like chicken. I consider my own farm
raised, organic free range chickens a delicacy. Let me tell you about my
chickens. They are called the "Meat King" a strain of bird that is used by
Colonel Saunders. His birds are raised under appalling conditions but only
live up to 35 days. My chickens live up to 80 days and can reach 10 pounds
when the meet their demise. They eat boiled corn, fresh bugs and greens
daily. They get lots of fresh air and in general live a good life. Contrast
this to the cramped quarters, heavily medicated garbage food that is forced
on the corporate chicken. Corporate chickens are fed their own faeces mixed
with rations and antibiotics. Yuk! This is probably why you do not like
chicken. I could sit you down to a chicken dinner you would never forget.
Slow roasted in a wood stove filled with a sage and thyme stuffing and
organic vegetables like potatoes, carrots and turnips. Add a crisp cole slaw
on the side and you have a fine meal. Think about this next time you bite
into a piece of the Colonel's fare.
Farmer John
As for killing them. I take them to a guy in Micksburg, Ontario who
slaughters them and cuts them up for $2.50 each. Each bird cost $1.09 as a
day old chick and I spend about $5.00 per bird for feed. If I give one to a
relative, they all believe they should get one too. I have been called a
"Cheap *******" and other non complimentary epithets on more than one
> wrote in message
> In, Steve Calvin > wrote:
> > I still
> > don't understand the fascination with chicken though. No taste to me
> > at all, even free range.
> It's really pretty sad that your sense of taste is so dull. Chicken has
> a delicious flavor.
> --
> ...I'm an air-conditioned gypsy...
> - The Who