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Default Fie on you Walmart!

On Tuesday, May 24, 2016 at 4:13:04 PM UTC-5, Capulin wrote:
> On 5/24/2016 8:46 AM, wrote:
> >>
> >> No one holds out there hands.
> >>

> > I beg your pardon. Yes, they do here. They place a
> > Christmas card on everyone's trash can hoping you stuff
> > some cash in it.

> That is not "holding out their hands".

It is to me.
> >> We place a tip in an envelope and tape it to the top of the can with a
> >> big red note.
> >>
> >> It's a kind way of acknowledging someone with a really tough job once a
> >> year.
> >>
> >> YMMV, and obviously does.
> >>

Rah, rah, rah for you.
> > They're already get a darn good salary for a job they knew entailed
> > emptying garbage.

> Define "darn good salary".
> Oh, you can't, well then let me:
> National Avg
> $35,890
> Min Max
> $28k $53k
> How much does a Garbage Truck Driver make?
> The average Garbage Truck Driver salary is $35,890 .
> Maybe that's your idea of "darn good", but it's not mine.
> And that's just the driver, not the assistant.

Read what you post. That's a NATIONAL AVERAGE.
> > It's not like they applied for a job as a playground
> > monitor and suddenly being told they now have to pick up garbage if they
> > want a paycheck.

> Your own lurid fantasy, not reality.

They applied for a job as a city employed trash collector.
How is that my fantasy?
> > Why should they get paid extra for something they've
> > done no extra work to earn a tip?

> Because they do it well every week of your year, they do it in sometimes
> crappy conditions, and they deal with your stinky REFUSE!

Actually I have very little garbage and it's never stunk. If they
don't like dealing with garbage they should have never applied for
the job.
> You haughty uncompassionate slug!

I'm haughty because I don't agree with you and what you do?
Guess what, you're a narrow minded wannabe bully.
> Btw, we also tip our mail carrier, newspaper carrier and hairdresser.

I tip my hair dresser, I don't tip the mail carrier because s/he also
gets paid a darn good salary. More than the garbage man and my mail
carrier changes about every 6 weeks or so. And I'm supposed to tip
them for mis-delivered mail?
> It seems likely they earn as little or in some cases less as the garbage
> man.

Baloney, pure and simple. I knew you didn't have a clue what you were
talking about yesterday and now I know you don't!
> > As I said, they only work 4 days a week here.

> I don't ****ing care!

Well, quit replying if you don't care. You must care or you
wouldn't be so perturbed that I don't tip the garbage man.
> I bet those are every bit of 12-14 hour days they put in.

Probably more like 10 hour days.
> > Some of these guys were raking in an extra $10,000 per year and you
> > can bet they didn't declare it on their income taxes.

> Go try and feed a family of 4 on $35K a year.

You are guessing again, using that 'national average.'
> Try and save for college.

Let the kid put his own lazy butt through college.
> Try and own a new car or truck.

I don't own a new car or truck. Why should I tip someone so
they can? They'll have to go in debt just like me to own a
new vehicle.
> Try and pay your mortgage.

I did on that 'national average.' Granted, I got raises
throughout the years. But I was still in debt for car notes
and mortgages.
> You're a truly rotten person joann, one of the worst in an otherwise
> soul-filthy group of misfits here.

No, I'm standing right behind you with your phony outrage that not
everyone thinks everybody who has their hand stuck out should get a
tip for a job they were hired to do.