"zuuum" > wrote in message >...
> "Greg Zywicki" > wrote in message
> om...
> > MMMmmmm - honey.
> >
> > I was in Toronto last weekend. I had gotten the mistaken impression
> > that there was a guy at the St. Lawrence market selling local honeys.
> > Didn't find him. There was a guy selling New Zealand honeys of all
> > varieties. Most of them didn't appeal much to me. Except the thyme
> > honey. I have never tasted thyme honey before. It was astounding,
> > unlike anything else. It was flowers. Flowery like jasmine tea, but
> > a different sort of flower.
> >
> Sounds like great stuff. I think about using that but adding an infusion of
> thyme to boost the flavor in recipes.
If you live near a Greek neighborhood (or well stocked Greek grocery)
you might find wild thyme honey from Mount Hymettus in Greece. It's
claimed (probably by the Greeks who claim that all the best things in
the world are Greek) to be among the best. I've tried it and likred it
very well, but I don't have much to compare it with.