Thread: Weber Grills
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Steve Calvin
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Julian Vrieslander wrote:

> We have had a Weber Silver Genesis for about 3 years, and we have never
> seen such an explosion. Usually, if the flame goes out, I lift the lid
> to let any accumulated gas dissipate before hitting the igniter button
> again.
> My big gripe with our Weber is that it is hard to hold a stable
> temperature at low settings. I know that for low-and-slow BBQ, a gas
> grill is not a perfect substitute for a wood-fired smoker. But we don't
> have a smoker, and sometimes I like to cook ribs and chicken at low
> temp, about 275 F. At this temp, an aluminum foil tray of hickory chips
> sitting on the gas burners will smoke nicely and impart a bit of flavor
> to the food. I've tried many combinations of settings for the burners
> (with 1, 2, or 3 of them on at varying levels), but the grill just does
> not like to stay near 275. The temp drifts up and down unpredictably,
> and I have to monitor it closely and ride the knobs.
> Maybe our regulator is bad. One of these days I will call Weber's
> hotline and ask for advice.

I've never had my burners go out once.

As for the "low and slow". I just started doing that this year. While
it is possible to do I wouldn't recommend it. I've got my Genesis so
gunked up from doing cooks like that this year alone that I need to
give it a serious cleaning, replace the flavorizer bars and grates,
to get the grease out. As a medium to high temperature grill, it's
great though and stays relatively clean. As a "low and slow", while
do-able I wouldn't recommend it.

You can regulate it low if you put *only* the back burner on and prop
the lid open with a brick. Then adjust the back burner only until you
reach the temp. that you're after. I'd also advise to put an oven
thermometer directly on the grates in the front of the grill which is
where you want to put the ribs or whatever. Wind conditions will
definitely affect the temperature though no matter what unit you're

I just bought a Weber Smokey Mountain from for $154. No tax
or delivery charges using promo code AUGUSTPROMOS until this Tuesday.

BOB on afb posted some info that you can also get one from
for $143.96 with the promo code of C99894. Free shipping but I don't
know about the taxes.

I'm to the point where I want to grill as well as BBQ and have finally
realized that they are totally different techniques and require
different equipment. "Right tool for the right job." Besides, now
I'll be able to do both types of cooking at the same time.


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