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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default This is Supposed to be a Meat Market

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> There's a place on Lady's Island (which is where my grocery stores and
> other main shops are located) that calls itself a Meat Market. I'm on
> their mailing list. And it's true, it *is* a butcher shop. They do sell
> custom cut meats. It's owned by a husband/wife team. Therein lies the
> problem.
> She fancies herself a cook. She is always pushing her pre-prepared (aka
> home cooked) meals. I get an email every couple of weeks. How do these
> selections sound to you?
> "From the prepared meals department we have turkey and spinach stuffing
> casserole, Gruyere chicken and pasta bake, lasagna, corned beef, cabbage
> and mashed potatoes and tomato, sausage and cheddar bread pudding
> casserole."
> John and I tried her lasagna once. We made the mistake of letting her
> husband who was at the register talk us into buying it. Got it home,
> heated it up. It was utterly bland and tasteless. Afraid to use herbs
> and spices, lady?
> They do have a freezer case with some unusual items. When I first moved
> here I bought two packages of "shrimp dawgs" (pork & shrimp sausages,
> lightly spicy - delicious!). I was dressed in my normal summer attire,
> shorts & a tank top. When I went to check out she took one look at me and
> said, "You DO know those will cost $20, don't you?" OMG, woman! Way to go
> insulting a customer!
> Jill

I have found that I don't usually like prepared foods. Exceptions would be a
few meats that are merely cooked and seasoned with salt and pepper and not
much more. I usually use them in some other dish and not for their intended

We had a fancy little store on Bay Farm Island that did catering and sold
prepared meals. Very expensive food. Looked good but didn't taste good. Same
seems to go for most of what they sell at Whole Foods and the like. Although
husband does like some of the prepared foods from Central Market. I do like
their beet salad and for a time, we liked their falafel. They don't make it
the same way now and we no longer like it.

A woman on our Facebook community group was asking how many people would be
interested in buying her home cooked meals. She actually got some takers.
And there is a woman already doing this. People do say her foods are good.