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Cindy Hamilton[_2_] Cindy Hamilton[_2_] is offline
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Default This is Supposed to be a Meat Market

On Friday, June 3, 2016 at 7:56:58 PM UTC-4, Jeßus wrote:
> On Fri, 3 Jun 2016 19:45:39 -0400, jmcquown >
> wrote:
> >There's a place on Lady's Island (which is where my grocery stores and
> >other main shops are located) that calls itself a Meat Market. I'm on
> >their mailing list. And it's true, it *is* a butcher shop. They do
> >sell custom cut meats. It's owned by a husband/wife team. Therein lies
> >the problem.
> >
> >She fancies herself a cook. She is always pushing her pre-prepared (aka
> >home cooked) meals. I get an email every couple of weeks. How do these
> >selections sound to you?
> >
> >"From the prepared meals department we have turkey and spinach stuffing
> >casserole, Gruyere chicken and pasta bake, lasagna, corned beef, cabbage
> >and mashed potatoes and tomato, sausage and cheddar bread pudding
> >casserole."

> Hmm. To me, those could be really nice or really awful. Hard to say
> for sure... Either way, none of those make me want to rush out and buy
> some. They all have a common theme of cheap and filling ingredients
> such as bread, pasta, cabbage and potatoes. More than likely, they are
> not good.

I concur. Cheap and filling, and not at all the way that I eat, which is
a lot of vegetables, a little meat, and not much carbs. Plus, I detest
the taste of re-heated meat, unless it's in some strong-flavored sauce
like barbecue sauce. I generally eat leftover meat cold.

Cindy Hamilton