This is Supposed to be a Meat Market
On Sat, 4 Jun 2016 19:23:06 -0600, graham > wrote:
>On 04/06/2016 5:46 PM, sf wrote:
>> On Sat, 4 Jun 2016 16:38:59 -0600, graham > wrote:
>>> On 04/06/2016 4:36 PM, graham wrote:
>>>> On 04/06/2016 3:58 PM, Je?us wrote:
>>>>> On Sat, 4 Jun 2016 14:10:58 -0600, graham > wrote:
>>>>>> On 04/06/2016 2:06 PM, Je?us wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sat, 4 Jun 2016 04:14:43 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>>>> I concur. Cheap and filling, and not at all the way that I eat,
>>>>>>>> which is
>>>>>>>> a lot of vegetables, a little meat, and not much carbs. Plus, I
>>>>>>>> detest
>>>>>>>> the taste of re-heated meat, unless it's in some strong-flavored sauce
>>>>>>>> like barbecue sauce.
>>>>>>> I've heard other people say that before about reheated meat.
>>>>>> I'm with Cindy on this one! Even currying leftover meat can't remove
>>>>>> that taste.
>>>>> Could you describe the taste please?
>>>>> Then again... if I know what to look for, I might find it myself :/
>>>>> I have had reheated meat that wasn't particularly great, but usually
>>>>> that was because it was too dry.
>>>> It's a sort of rancid *** metallic taste. To me, that is! I don't know
>>>> how Cindy would describe it.
>>>> Graham
>>> Note that this only affects reheated roasted, grilled or fried meat, not
>>> stews.
>>> Graham
>> I can only say: that's odd. Maybe it's the kind of meat you buy,
>> maybe I don't eat enough reheated meat to notice.
>Turkey, chicken, beef, lamb and pork. I usually buy good cuts too. I've
>tasted it in the fragments of pork you get in fried rice from Chinese
I've always thought the taste was like over-cooked venison. It is a
gamey thing. Metallic -- yes, I can see that. I agree with your
assessment Graham. Even to the part about stews.
Janet US