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Default tryin to remember a chocolate sauce recipe

"bugbear" > schreef in bericht
| A long time ago I had a "hit" at a meal with a simple
| chocolate sauce (served on vanilla Ice Cream and
| Banana, both premium Organic versions).
| I would like to repeat this triumph, but being an
| idiot I didn't copy the recipe from the book I
| had at the time (library - long gone).
| I can remember these elements being involved:
| * Premium Chocolate (70 % solids, I used Lindt)
| * Unsalted butter.
| * A liquid - when this was added the sauce became very
| "granular". This was temporary, but very frightening.
| * I think the liquid was double cream, although water
| or milk may have been used in addition.
| * It was cooked in a bain marie.
| * there may have been a second cooking container, possibly
| to melt something separately.
| Can anyone identify a recipe from this half remembered
| stuff?
| BugBear

I always do it like this:

100 gr. Very dark chocolate. I use Dutch chocolate, but Lindt is ok as
250 ml. cream.

Heat the cream and add the chocolate. Stirr and don't be afraid if it
becomes too "granular". You don't need butter in this recipe. I never use a
bain marie.

Jacqueline (Holland)