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Paul M. Cook Paul M. Cook is offline
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Default This is Supposed to be a Meat Market

"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> On 6/5/2016 11:41 AM, Paul M. Cook wrote:
>>> I don't like the blatant advertising. I also shut off the sig line on my
>>> phone that says "sent from my Adroid somethingorother"
>>> I also dislike the car dealer signs on the back of cars. I take them off
>>> as soon as I get home from the dealer.

>> Buy a lot of cars, I take it?

> About every two or three years. Used to be more when the kids were home,
> but my wife no longer drives so we only have one car now.
> Some dealers use a small sticker or badge, but some have obnoxious (to me)
> billboards sometimes applied crooked. That annoys me.
> People have come to accept that when they spend tens of thousands of
> dollars on a new car the dealer can plaster advertising on it. Have you
> ever seen a house with a plaque stating "bought from Shady Reators"?

That's a lot of cars.

Buying them is a waste of money if you go through them faster than a gallon
jar of pickles. Leasing would be smarter in your case.

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