Dinner tonight 05/06/2016
"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 6 Jun 2016 00:02:50 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>> Husband called and wanted dinner. We
>> thought he should come up there and finish our food. The portions are far
>> too large, just like the old place.
>> ...
>> Husband had some marked down Chinese takeout from Haggen. It was well
>> after
>> 10:00 p.m. by the time we bought his food so it was slim pickin's.
> Wait a minute - your husband wanted his dinner and he waited until you
> finished your restaurant dinner and went grocery shopping before he
> was able to eat!?!?!?
> I thought he went into a violent, Tasmanian Devil rage if you didn't
> have dinner on the table when he demanded it?
Obviously since we were not home, we couldn't get his dinner. He could have
eaten then leftover soup, the sandwich or any of the other things in the
stuffed full fridge, but he didn't. And doesn't Taz move quickly? Heh. He
goes into full on recliner mode once home.