Dinner tonight 05/06/2016
Julie Bove wrote:
> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> ...
> > On Mon, 6 Jun 2016 00:02:50 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
> >
> >> Husband called and wanted dinner. We
> >> thought he should come up there and finish our food. The portions are far
> >> too large, just like the old place.
> >> ...
> >> Husband had some marked down Chinese takeout from Haggen. It was well
> >> after
> >> 10:00 p.m. by the time we bought his food so it was slim pickin's.
> >
> > Wait a minute - your husband wanted his dinner and he waited until you
> > finished your restaurant dinner and went grocery shopping before he
> > was able to eat!?!?!?
> >
> > I thought he went into a violent, Tasmanian Devil rage if you didn't
> > have dinner on the table when he demanded it?
> Obviously since we were not home, we couldn't get his dinner. He could have
> eaten then leftover soup, the sandwich or any of the other things in the
> stuffed full fridge, but he didn't. And doesn't Taz move quickly? Heh. He
> goes into full on recliner mode once home.
lol. Tough luck there, Mr.Bove. Either fix something yourself or wait.
He's so spoiled, imo. :-D
Also: To ferret-proof your house, the recliners are the first things
to go. >:-o